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Stories from the green book - Acting


Poli Theatre, Athens, Greece


"Stories from the green book" by Stratis Myrivilis

Poli Theatre

Homo Ludens Theatre
Direction: Margarita Amarantidi
Scenographer- Costume Designer: Melina Analyti
Assistant scenographer: Anastasia Panteopoulou
Light designer: Vasilis Klotsotiras
Choreographer: Margarita Amarantidi, Augustinos Koumoulos, Anna Vardaxoglou
Photographers: Alex Janero, Christina Koukoutsi, Fake Office

Acting: Margarita Amarantidi, Eva Andronikidou, Efthymis Georgopoulos, Dimitris Mamios, Myrto Naoum, Nikos Roumpakis, Dionysis Savvas

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