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Terrazze Incognite

Project type

Landscape Architecture - Site Specific Installations


2023 - 2024


Milan, Italy

The project was among the shortlisted winners for the Palimpsest Project Creative Dialogues 2023
New European Bauhaus initiative -

A problem of section; The typical/natural section of rivers consists of terraces–zones of biodiversity, functions etc. The concept proposes to work with soil movements to control water infiltration-velocity- levels, vegetation, access, (in)continuities. It traces the lost sections/terraces of the river and invents new ones, both realistically and conceptually.
The terraces permit to attempt the restoration of the river's natural ecosystems, as well as to enhance its role as an urban waterscape. The plans follow a deep study of the river's history, problems, dynamics and potentials, to create the circumstances for a self-sufficient, low-maintenance habitat, that will heal and grow through time. Thus, the project does not propose a final masterplan, but more likely a strategy/process, emerging by the site seen as a palimpsest, to achieve new equilibriums and restore old ones.
Thus, a new(?) topography of the banks is proposed, (re)forming the future through the past.

Why Lambro River

The case of Lambro river is a typical one in European cities, among other marginalised and covered ones or so-called "urban voids".

The time of the application coincided with a wave of big floods in Greece, that made me realize once again the importance of sustainable treatment of water resources, not only for a quality of life but also for safety reasons.

Athens, the city where I was born and live, used to have rivers and streams that are nowadays covered. The subject always caught my attention, and has been present in my architecture and artistic practice, as a freelancer, PhD researcher, Tutor of MasterALA, together with students that work on the urban landscape, student, in my Master Thesis “The ancient landscape of a contemporary city”.

“Palimpsest” is a great opportunity to go deeper in a more professional, realistic and still aspiring way, and offer a platform of study and design, in order to contribute to the rivers management, as well as to reconnect them with the urban life.


Mapping will be a basic tool to understand the river nowadays and historically – natural ecosystem, anthropogenic, industrial, social, but also the ambiences, the senses and other intangible elements.

A strong theoretical and scientific background has to be built, that will investigate the following concepts:

1. Indigenous biodiversity – flora and fauna restoration, by investigation of local species, natural sediments, conditions that favorise or not
2. Water conditions, pollution, CO2 concentration, humidity levels
3. Connection with the city (urbanism, landmarks, activities and events that will bring the citizens and relate them to the river)
4. Floods prevision calculations, water flowing regulation, velocity, permeability and impermeability of the ground.
5. Sustainable future through creating the circumstances for a low maintenance, auto-sufficient system, based on the combination of the particular characteristics of the site, pollution, problems, (lost)ecosystems, microclimates.

Envisioning a sustainable future for this landscape

This project aims to propose a multidisciplinary approach and be the meeting point for different scientific fields, in order to have a deep understanding of the problems, dynamics and possibilities of the site. Therefore, is totally site-specific.
Through the very simple act of moving soil and very few gestures, it tries to create circumstances that allow the local ecosystems (natural or anthropogenic) grow independent, regaining at a point what is lost, improving the problems, and of course preventing flooding incidents, with minimum input.

Example: Indigenous flora and fauna will be studied in order to create the circumstances for specific species to grow, and repair the lost ecosystem accordingly. This study, together with a deep analysis of the water, can lead to auto-sufficient solutions. Some species' characteristics, like their ability of “sanitizing” the water, decrease CO2 levels, or stabilize sediments of the bottom, can lead to choices that affect the site in a positive way.

Interaction / Collaboration to be established with the local community and with Palimpsest’ research team?

The river zone is seen as liminal space between natural and human.
“Terrazze Incognite” aims to be a common conceptual and physical space for scientific, social and political approaches to come together. The local community, sectors and researchers, and the Palimpsest team, are a basic part of the project, as it proposes the future of the river through the understanding of its past and present, and a process through time.
The project aims to make the river part of everyday life of the city and of the local, common identity, thus to protect it and reinforce the quality of spaces around it, educate people, but also increase the ecological conscience. Therefore, in the activities that will be proposed, the main axis will be to bring people to the river to live with it, understand it, and be part of the process. In the axes of simple acts/ choices, referring to Greek architect Pikionis and his concept of "Emotional Topography", the routes and public spaces will be an outstanding element.

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