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Nea Smyrni, Greece



Video documentation

CO2 Covid COexistence
Performance, 2021

Presented in group exhibition “Camp/ers”
A festival for inclusion and respecting the difference, under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports
curated by Evi Peterson, held in Artens Art Gallery, Athens, Greece

Concept / Direction/ Costumes: Eva Andronikidou
Video/ Sound/ Montage: Alex Janero
Performers : Ioanna Kosma, Faye Psychopaidopoulou, Nychta

The performance was presented in Nea Smyrni Square on May 2021.

The title CO2 stands for (CO)VID (co)existence, but at the same time refers to a situation of asphyxia, literally and metaphorically.
Two friends, extremely afraid of COVID 19, decide to go out for a walk, after a long time of quarantine. They try to protect themselves as much as they can.
They are suffocated in their need for immense protection, in their plastic costumes, in cleaning lotions.
It is an attempt to bring the situation of trying to keep everything as clean as possible to the limit, to see the reactions of people.
This is the story about two persons who do everything to stay UN- touched, UN-attained, UN- moved, UN-affected, thus UN-tactus.

*The performers improvised in given conditions. The video is a montage of the documentation of the work, thus a spontaneous one take, so it is not aimed to be perfect in technical terms of image or sound.

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