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Feet on the ground, eyes to the sky


Hydra, Greece


Circuits and currents, Athens, Greece

“Feet on the ground, eyes to the sky”, 2022
Eva Andronikidou, Despoina Vaxevanidi

Installation with rope, texto on paper, vídeo and audio
Dimensions variables

Group Exhibition_ “Fitness condition: Artist”
Post Documenta program
Circuits and Currents space, June 2022, Athens, Greece

20 artists hiking on the mountain of Hydra Island in Greece in june 2022, during an Exchange program. Reaching the top Eros.The thoughts, cocerns, fears, tireness, sweat, pains, needs, become the path they walked, that is recreated in the exhibition space, according to the real map – plan and heights according to the contour lines. The sound of steps and the view of the sea is their guide of orientation.

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