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Exit number 6


In quarantine, Athens, Greece

Digital collage

Exit number 6, 2020
Digital collage, acrylics on carton

The way to my studies had become a leisure time. A walk with no destination.
The line that marks my walk to the School of Fine Arts on the map. The walk I used to take, to arrive to a school full of students and professors.I try to create the line with a collage of plants and shadows I photographed on my way.
A line on a map is a connection. In this case, the connection changes radically due to the new reality. The physical connection with a place and with the people of the community that resides this place.
Making this walk towards the closed school, I started to perceive things I had never perceived in the past. When you head to a destination knowing there will be a whole world, you don’t pay attention to the trip. During the pandemic, I walked to the school knowing I could do nothing there so I perceived the trip, as the destination was cancelled. I tried to mark the exact line on the map. It is a map made by 3D objects put in the exact place they were photographed. The starting point is the root of an olive tree, planted by my grandfather, and the endpoint is the entrance of the school. The number 6 marks the number I had to send to the number the government had created, in order to be permitted to leave my home. It was the number for gymnastics, walking a dog, or taking a walk.
The way to my studies had become a leisure time. A walk with no destination.

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