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Eva Andronikidou (Greece, Athens, 1984) is active as a freelance architect, landscape architect, visual artist, stage designer, and actor, publishing articles, announcing at conferences and participating in exhibitions, theater productions, artistic programs and other projects internationally. She has lived, been educated, worked and presented work in Greece, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, England, Germany, Chile, Italy, Israel, USA, France, Romania. She works as a Tutor at the Erasmus Mundus Joint MasterALA (Architecture Landscape Archaeology -, at N.T.U.A, since 2020.

She is a PhD Candidate at the School of Architecture of the National Technical University of Athens and at her final year of studies at Athens School of fine Arts. She studied Architecture (N.T.U.A.), Landscape Architecture (E.T.S.A.B., U.P.C., Barcelona) and Acting (LaCasona Formaciòn y investigaciòn teatral, Barcelona). She speaks Greek, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Catalan.

One of the most important parts of her life is activism; she is a stray animal rescuer and has volunteered at refugee camps with children.



Due to her engagement with different creative fields, Eva’s creative work is expressed in various formats, mediums and scales. Every project is a field of research that may lead to a final product

-or not.

Her work seeks to mobilize emotion alongside active thinking, which is why it often deals with actual issues: science, refugees, the environment, the pandemic, diversity. In contrast to this tangible reality, she explores the small, invisible, imperceptible, unacknowledged things that inhabit the imaginary and connect us through our vulnerable side: error, the escapist-inescapable dichotomy, trauma, weakness, desire.


The real in her work starts from the space, urban or natural, which takes shape in terms of topiography. The imaginary triggers the synthesis of situations that escape reality. Within the tangible space, scenes of a parallel reality take place, in a meeting of the tangible with the imaginary, of the real world with a hidden, mystical one.

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